Week 47

My blog is an opportunity for me to write about people, places or things that have provoked or inspired me in the week that was.

Well I was certainly provoked by the events in Paris on Friday November 13.I assure you as someone who has committed to blog weekly this was not in my notes for this week’s writing . It was only yesterday that I made the decision that I could not ignore that this act of terror took place or act as if it did not trouble me, greatly. It happened, it’s real and it’s very sad. I am saddened and disappointed in what has happened to Paris on Friday, what happened in Beirut on Thursday and what continues to be the norm in our world. Jihadists’ terrorists wreak mayhem daily on this planet. On the night of April 14-15, 2014, 276 girls between 16 and 18 years of age were kidnapped in Nigeria by Boko Haram, another Jihadist terrorist group based in Nigeria. Just hours ago in Nigeria another bombing took place killing 32 and injury over 100. These incidents are representative on a larger scale of what takes place daily in the places I’ve mentioned and many other locations around the world. I’m saddened, I’m angry and I feel vindictive and I don’t want to feel any of these things. These acts of terror are acts of terror on all mankind and I am responsible to defend the weakest of us all. People in Nigeria, Beirut, Paris and everywhere deserve the protection of the western world.

I don’t want to write about politics or religion in my blog and have no desire to do so on a regular basis. But I could argue every opinion has a political base. I am confident that you understand what I mean though. This isn’t about politics. This is about human rights.

This is my blog and now I get to reset the tone. The second and third paragraph aren’t news to you but only a reminder of how things are today. So let’s reset.

First I want to say thanks to the guys I played poker with on Saturday night. We never once spoke about Paris or Beirut and we didn’t talk to each other about not talking about it. So thanks to Jon, Mark, Doug, Ryan, Peter and Brad for staying laser focused on such a serious game of cards.

Secondly I want to show a couple of videos that appeared this week as a result of the Paris tragedy. These videos show people who have risen far above the agents of evil and show the resilience and hope and faith that I know most of us can aspire to. Even if it takes more time for some. I know I am still deeply fixed in anger right now and it will take some time for me to be able to feel as these two men do. They both strengthen my faith in mankind.

The first video is a priceless conversation between a father and his young son in Paris.

flowers versus guns




The second video is a statement from Antoine Leiris, a resident of Paris, to the terrorists. The man’s wife was murdered in the Bataclan theatre on Friday. He posted this video response to the terrorists on his Facebook page.

Antoine’s Statement

I am motivated by both these men to manage my anger. To realize that I can do many things but I cannot undo Friday night and I cannot, alone, rid the world of terrorism. But I can defeat evil by not allowing the fear of terrorism or the anger towards the terrorists infiltrate and control my life. These groups will be dealt with by powers much greater than myself.


The song this week is of course the masterpiece by John Lennon ,   Imagine

Anyone who knows me well won’t be surprised by the song choice this week.



The quote this week is actually a prayer that I know and I probably repeat 25 times a week.


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference


I hope to see you next week………….