Week 51 . It’s Christmas Time

I love Christmas! It’s my favorite holiday of the year by a long shot. It’s very meaningful and although at times very busy it is also a relaxing time. My company actually closed the office from the 23rd to the 3rd which was a nice surprise and good Christmas bonus in this horrible economic situation Alberta finds itself in.

The kids are all coming over Saturday afternoon for the evening and they will be back Christmas morning for a couple of hours. Christmas Eve morning Lori and I go to a 12 step breakfast with some speakers and great fellowship, at The Deerfoot Inn. There’ll be a few hundred people as usual. On Christmas, after the kids have left to go to their respective dinners, Lori and I will go to my sister Debbie’s place for supper along with so many others. On Boxing Day, we will all head over to Marge and Gabe’s for supper and by about the 27th I will be needing a big nap.

The reason for this holiday is very important to me also, as I am a Christian. But this holiday time is always a special time to celebrate friends and relatives with food and gatherings and for the large part people are softer during this holiday. Sharper, rougher edges are replaced by additional patience and kindness. It’s just a really nice time of the year. It’s also a very emotional time of year and there are some people who really struggle at Christmas, with sadness, because of loved ones who are no longer with us in body. Be gentle with these people. Be kinder than necessary.

We live in Canada with an awesome mixture of Faiths and cultures and not everyone celebrates Christmas as the birth of Christ, but I don’t know anyone who doesn’t celebrate the spirit of the holiday. Be respectful, be kind.

Not everyone has as much as others and the food bank, Mustard Seed, Drop Inn and these places need money to clothe and feed people. Help where you can and if you can’t help financially, then share a smile, a handshake or a hug.

Be patient with the children. They’re excited, happy and playful. Yes, they will make more noise, eat more sugar and run a little harder. This is the joy they add to the holiday. Be kind to the old. They may not have their memory or physical capabilities but they were the ones who raised us. Show patience. Be kinder than necessary.


So no matter what your Faith, your beliefs or how you celebrate this holiday, know that I wish you a Merry Christmas, from my home to your home.


Our Home

The song this week is my favorite Christmas song and I love this version.


The quote this week is :

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
Norman Vincent Peale


Have a great Christmas and I hope I’ll see you next week………..

2 thoughts on “Week 51 . It’s Christmas Time

  1. Merry Christmas Mike, to you and Lori and all your loved ones; see you at the breakfast. Thank you so much for all your words of wisdom this past year, I am sure they mean a lot to a lot of people. I am sorry I have not commented much in the last few months, life has been and continues to be hectic! Our business grows steadily and seems to always be asking for more time from both Michael and I! We are both grateful and happy that we have customers from coast to coast and that we still experience growth. At the end of January we exhibit at the Toronto Gift Show, so that will keep us on our toes! Michael goes for his op on the 11th of January, all prayers welcome, we expect a good outcome. Most importantly we will have all of Michael’s kids and their spouses and their off-springs here on the 27th for a celebration of joy in the spirit of Christmas. We expect some shrieks of delight from both kids and adults on sugar overload! On quotes, I like this one: “Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” Dale Evans


  2. Thank you Liz. You never need to comment. I am happy that you read my blog and that’s gift enough for me. I know it’s been a crazy year for you and so much on the line every day. The 27th will a fantastic day it sounds like with everyone in the house! Take care and I will see you Saturday at the breakfast….and my payers are and will be with you and Michael


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